1. Skateboarding Tricks
  2. Intermediate tricks
  3. 360 flip

360 Flip: An Introduction to this Skateboarding Trick

Learn how to do a 360 flip skateboarding trick. Get tips on technique, practice, and safety.

360 Flip: An Introduction to this Skateboarding Trick

The 360 flip is one of the most popular skateboarding tricks – and it’s no surprise why! It’s a great way to show off your skills and impress fellow skateboarders. It’s also a great way for beginners to learn the basics of skateboarding. In this article, we’ll introduce you to the basics of the 360 flip and provide some tips and tricks for mastering it. The 360 flip is a trick where the skateboarder does a full rotation in the air while flipping the board. In order to perform the trick, the skateboarder must have good balance and control, as well as adequate speed.

The trick starts by rolling forward and jumping off the board while turning and flipping it at the same time. The board should rotate 360 degrees while flipping before you land on it. The trick can be done in different directions, including fakie, regular, switch, and nollie. Each direction has its own set of challenges, so it’s important to practice each one until you feel comfortable with them. Additionally, the trick can be done on different surfaces like ramps, stairs, and flat ground. The 360 flip is a spin of a kickflip, meaning that your skateboard will spin 360 degrees while you jump off it.

Before attempting the 360 flip, you'll need to have mastered the basics of skateboarding, such as ollies and kickflips. Once you have these down, you can start learning the 360 flip. The trick begins with a regular ollie. As you jump off your board, twist your body and flick your back foot towards the nose of the board.

This will give it spin. As you land back on the board, your weight should be shifted slightly towards your back foot. This will help keep the board in a spinning motion and give you more control over it. You'll also want to make sure that you keep your eyes focused on the ground in front of you as you perform the trick.

This will help you stay balanced and keep your board spinning in the right direction. Practicing with smaller boards can help you get used to the motion of the trick before attempting it with a regular-sized skateboard. This can also help you become more comfortable with balancing on your board while it's in motion. Safety is also important when performing any skateboarding trick. Make sure that you wear protective gear such as a helmet and pads before attempting a 360 flip.

You'll also want to make sure that there are no obstacles or people in your way when attempting the trick, as this could lead to serious injury. To practice the 360 flip, start off by rolling slowly down a flat surface and ollieing off it. Then, focus on flicking your back foot towards the nose of the board while twisting your body to give it spin. As you land back on the board, make sure to shift your weight slightly towards your back foot so that it keeps spinning in the same direction. It's important to practice this motion multiple times until you feel comfortable enough to attempt it at higher speeds. Once you've mastered the basics of the 360 flip, you can start trying out more advanced variations.

For example, try adding an extra spin by doing a half-kickflip before landing back on the board. You can also try combining different tricks together for an even more impressive display of skill. Whichever way you decide to practice, make sure that safety is always your top priority.

Tips for Performing a 360 Flip

When attempting a 360 flip, it's important to practice first with smaller boards to get used to the motion of the trick. Wearing protective gear such as a helmet and pads is essential before attempting a 360 flip.

It's also important to keep your eyes focused on the ground in front of you as you perform the trick, and to shift your weight towards your back foot when you land back on the board. These tips will help you learn the 360 flip safely and effectively. While it may take some practice, with patience and focus, you can master this popular skateboarding trick. The 360 flip is an intermediate level skateboarding trick that requires practice and focus to master. With dedication, patience, and the right safety precautions, you can learn how to perform this trick successfully and progress to more advanced tricks. It's important to practice the basic elements of the 360 flip before attempting the full trick.

Start with a few ollies and practice getting enough air to perform the trick. Get comfortable with your board before attempting the 360 flip and make sure you are in a safe environment with plenty of padding for any falls. By keeping these tips in mind, you can master the 360 flip and take your skateboarding skills to the next level.