1. Penny Boards
  2. Maintenance and care of Penny Boards
  3. Re-gripping Penny Boards

How to Re-Grip Your Penny Board

Learn the best tips and tricks for re-gripping your Penny Board. Find out what tools and materials you need and how to get the job done quickly and safely.

How to Re-Grip Your Penny Board

Are you looking for an easy, cost-effective way to maintain your Penny Board? Re-gripping your Penny Board is one of the simplest and most effective ways to keep it running smoothly. Re-gripping your board can help improve its overall performance, as well as ensure that you feel safe and secure while riding. In this article, we’ll show you how to re-grip your Penny Board for maximum safety and performance. The first step in re-gripping your Penny Board is to gather the necessary materials and tools. You will need a new grip tape, a razor blade or utility knife, a Phillips head screwdriver, and a pair of scissors.

Once you have all of the materials, you can start re-gripping your board. Start by using the razor blade or utility knife to carefully peel off the old grip tape. Make sure not to damage the board during this process. Once all of the old grip tape has been removed, use the Phillips head screwdriver to loosen the screws on the trucks.

Remove any debris left behind by the grip tape and make sure that the surface is clean. Now it’s time to add the new grip tape. Start at one end of the board and slowly apply the grip tape, taking care to line it up along the edges of the board. Make sure that it is firmly pressed onto the board as you go. Once you reach the other end of the board, use a pair of scissors to trim off any excess tape.

Finally, use the Phillips head screwdriver to tighten up the screws on the trucks. Be sure to not over-tighten them as this could cause damage to your Penny Board. Once you’ve finished re-gripping your board, you’re ready to go!Make sure to take good care of your board so that it lasts for many years. Regularly check for signs of wear and tear such as loose screws or cracked grip tape, and make sure to replace any parts as soon as they start to show signs of wear.

Additionally, make sure to clean your board with a damp cloth after riding it in wet or dirty conditions. Re-gripping your Penny Board is a great way to ensure your safety and improve your grip on the board. With the right tools and materials, it is easy to re-grip your board in a few simple steps. Just remember to take good care of your board so that you can enjoy it for many years to come!

Tightening Up Trucks

After you have applied your new grip tape to your Penny Board, you will need to tighten up the trucks. This is necessary to ensure that your grip tape is secure and that your Penny Board will stay in place when you are riding it.

To do this, you will need a few basic tools, including a socket wrench and some screws that fit the trucks. First, use the socket wrench to remove the screws from the truck. Once these are removed, you can adjust the tightness of the truck by turning the screws clockwise or counterclockwise. Make sure that you do not over-tighten the screws, as this could cause damage to your Penny Board.

When you have adjusted the tightness of the trucks, you can use the socket wrench to re-attach the screws. Once this is done, your Penny Board should be ready to ride again! Re-gripping your Penny Board is an important part of keeping it in good condition. By following these steps, you can ensure that your board is safe and secure when you ride it.

Gathering Materials

Re-gripping a Penny Board requires some basic materials, including grip tape, a razor or knife, and a ruler or measuring tape.

It is important to choose the right type of grip tape for your board; there are a variety of sizes and styles available, so make sure to pick one that is appropriate for your board. Grip tape is designed to provide traction and cushion for your feet. It also helps to protect the board from damage, so it's important to choose the right size and style. Be sure to measure the width of your board before buying grip tape, so you can get the correct size. You'll also need a razor or knife to cut the grip tape to the correct size and shape. A ruler or measuring tape is also helpful for measuring the board correctly.

It's important to make sure the grip tape lines up properly with your board.

Applying New Grip Tape

When it comes to re-gripping your Penny Board, the process begins by applying new grip tape. While this may seem like a simple task, it is important to take your time and follow the steps correctly to ensure your safety. First, you need to make sure that the top of your board is clean and free of any dirt or debris. You can do this by wiping it down with a dry cloth or using a mild cleaner.

Once the surface is clean and dry, you can begin applying the new grip tape. Before you start, make sure you have the right tools for the job. You will need a box cutter or razor blade, a ruler, and a cloth or paper towel to clean up any excess tape. Begin by cutting the grip tape into sections that are slightly larger than the width of your board.

Be sure to measure each section against your board before you begin to apply it. Once the grip tape is cut to size, peel off the backing and carefully lay it on your board. Make sure the tape is placed evenly and securely on the top of your board, and press firmly down with a cloth or paper towel to ensure it is properly adhered. You can then take your box cutter or razor blade and trim off any excess tape along the edges of your board.

Once you are finished, give it one last check to make sure everything looks secure and even before you ride.

Removing Old Grip Tape

To begin removing the old grip tape from your Penny Board, you'll need a few tools. These include a small flathead screwdriver, a razor blade, and a heat gun or hair dryer.

Step 1:

Start by using the flathead screwdriver to loosen the grip tape around the edges of the board. Be careful not to damage the board's surface or scratch the paint in the process.

Step 2:Once the edges of the grip tape have been loosened, you can use the razor blade to carefully cut away the remaining pieces of grip tape. Make sure you are extremely careful when using the razor blade and take your time to avoid damaging the board's surface.

Step 3:

Once all of the grip tape has been removed, you can use a heat gun or hair dryer to heat up any remaining adhesive residue on the board. This will make it easier to remove with a cloth or paper towel.

Step 4:Finally, wipe down the board with a damp cloth or paper towel to remove any remaining adhesive residue and make sure your Penny Board is ready for its new grip tape! Re-gripping your Penny Board is an essential maintenance and care task to ensure your safety and improve your riding experience. With the right materials and a few simple steps, you can easily re-grip your board so that it feels secure and comfortable in your hands. Gathering all the necessary materials, removing the old grip tape, applying new grip tape, and tightening up the trucks are all important steps in the re-gripping process. With these tips, you can confidently get back on the board and enjoy a safe and secure ride!.